Sunday, June 6, 2021


One final update.

It was reported on June 4, 2021 that the Uptown Theatre would vacate its property after receiving a notice of eviction from Lagoon Partners, LLC on May 18. The Uptown owed more than $340,000 in unpaid rent, operating expenses, and fees accumulated during the pandemic shutdown beginning on March 16, 2020. It now must vacate on or before noon on June 11.

While the Uptown has temporarily shut down and changed hands throughout its history, it's questionable if this will ever again be a purely cinematic space. The Uptown area itself has transformed drastically over the last few decades, as have the financial prospects of movie theaters. However, the designated historical landmark status of the building should ensure the survival of some elements - specifically the building exterior, auditorium murals, and lobby chandeliers.

I don't know what else to say.

Rosebud, I guess.


"Landlord looks to evict Uptown Theatre from the property," Bring Me The News, May 19, 2021